Monday, April 20, 2009

On pineapple and sainthood

Everyone is talking about genetically engineered food and some say it is bad for the world and others say it is the next step forward in solving the world's problems. I say it is bad for the poor farmers of the world to have to buy their genetically engineered seeds for higher yield and nutrition from Monsanto rather than use their own farm grown seeds. But I also say that the amazingly juicy and sweet golden pineapple I had this morning is far superior to the fresh pineapple of my youth.

When I was a young woman my career goal was to be a saint. Marriage and not being Catholic or Hindu put real crimps in that path. Now I am seeing just how bumpy the road to sainthood can be.

I took the old man and the old lady to Cheapo/Applause to find music they could dance to. They let us in the back door and they got down the steps to the listening area. I found a clerk who found them some cd's to try. It is hard when the old man gets stubborn and the old lady does not know how to describe what they want. They wanted tango music. That wasn't the right tango music. Turns out they wanted rumba beat, not tango. Everyone thought they were cute doing their little dance while I had my back turned to them. A person can take just so much Sidney. He is charming when he wants to be, but has no problem telling me to shut up and that I do not know what I am talking about. Those are the times that try my patience. Dinner went alright and when we went back to the apartment, I suddenly had patience again. Harriet's niece and nephew sent her a little cd/cassette boombox. I took a Sharpie and colored the indentations on the buttons. I wrote out a cheat sheet and we practiced on, off, forward and reverse on the Greatest Hits of 1959. Out of twenty-four songs, they think they can dance to about fifteen. Of course they only have the stamina for about one song, but at least they have a choice. The old lady said, "You should have been a teacher."

There are many saints among us. Do you know who they are? Do they know who they are? They are the parents of sick and disabled children who love and accept and care for them with no thought of reward except seeing those children happy and pain free. They advocate for those who have no voice and no power. They make the rest of us look at our healthy children and realize how wonderful defiance can be. They show us how just how lucky we are. And if you asked them if they would rather their children be "normal" they wish it with all their heart. But if you ask them if they regret having special needs children they deny it with all their heart. Time after time they will tell you how much those children have added to their lives and how very much they love them. Day after day these parents take care of their beloved sons and daughters never knowing how inspiring they are.

Thank you for showing me the real meaning of love, and long term patience. Thank you for showing me that saint is a very real job description and you only get to be one from day to day on the job practice. Renee, this one's for you.

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