Sunday, April 15, 2012


I was watching a family eat lunch today. Three girls and their parents. The girls looked 6, 8, 10. The mother did not look happy and the father's back was facing me. One of the girls walked over to see what I was doing and I asked her if she had new sandals. Her dad came up behind her and said, "Third pair, the dogs ate the first two." I thought to myself that if my kid didn't learn after the second time she would be getting $1.99 Old Navy flip flops, not fancy Nikes. I said, "Well you better put them where they can't get them."

The dad wanted to know how much a new heating system would cost and I started my spiel. All three girls were standing real close and he said that the youngest gets antsy. I said I was sure she would understand that we were talking and could wait. Then the wife came over and he said they really do need to replace their furnace.  He asked about financing, but Costco does not finance.  He asked his wife what she thought and she said in a nasty tone of voice, "I think you are wasting my time if you can't pay for it." She showed huge disdain for him in front of the children. So I gave him a brochure and said to call when he was ready. As they walked away I noticed she was carrying a huge new Louis Vuitton bag that had to have cost a couple thousand dollars.

It wasn't a long scene but it did upset me. She disrespected her husband in public, in front of her children. She treated me as invisible. He was humiliated but did not fight back. My stomach was upset by her vituperative negative energy. I could see things so clearly, he was nothing but a paycheck to her and she did not like him because he was not making enough to keep her in the style she thought she should be kept. And you could see from his face that he was extended as far as he could go. I wanted him to think better of himself. I wanted him, as they say, to grow a pair. I could see how a man like that could flip out and kill his wife. I wanted him to run away and start a new life.

Husbands! Wives! Be kind to each other, treat each other with respect. Remember when you met and how much you wanted the good opinion of each other. Show your children how much you cherish each other. If you must be disdainful, think twice before speaking once, and for goodness sake, don't humiliate your spouse in front of your children.

I've thinking about my own life. Have I acted that way? Oh God I hope not. I know I have been out of control, sometimes crazed with anger or frustration and not very pleasant to be around. I hope that I have never made being cruel to another a habit. My marriage had some rough spots for sure, and each of us regrets particular actions or we'd still be married. But I think our children knew we respected each other. 

I tried to be kind the rest of the day. I'm going to try again tomorrow.


  1. I stumbled across your blog, and this entry just struck me. I guess because my parents were never that way and my husband and I are not that way. Even at times, when I have been irritated with my love and I am sure he has had the times he has been with me, we are never disrespectful to each other in public and try to never do it in front of our children.
    Now, some have accused my husband and I of being mean to each other, but it is lovingly teasing each other. I will call him a nerd or ubber geek and he will call me ditzy, etc. Never out of disrespect. I can tell you want to see the very ugly side and I mean down right MEAN say something or be disrespectful to my husband. The same goes for him.
    It goes further than that though. A few years ago I befriended a couple who I wondered (more times than not) if they even like each other. They were not teasing, they said and did hurtful things to each other. They did in front of their sons, not that it mattered because the kids were in charge. They were 9 and 10 and if they wanted they got it. Their sons were very disrespectful to their father, and their mother. If they did not get what they wanted - often times it was dad who dispciplined - they yelled and screamed. The worst was when the oldest son called his father a name I will not ever dare to repeat. It was that bad.
    My husband and I figured, he is doing what he saw. His parents were disrespectful to each other so why should they be respectful.
    My girls were raised with respect and manners.
    It is sad there are people in the world like that. A person who can carry a expensive handbag but not willing to give up for something they may need.
    Maybe your bit of kindess to the child will rub off on her and she will be nice.

  2. Thank you for reading and I hope you will visit again.
