Sunday, March 25, 2012

That tape in our heads

Sometimes people have a tape running in their heads and can't find the stop/eject button. It drives them crazy, and in the case of my 98 year old mother, annoys other people too. Right after my father died her tape became, with tears, "I miss my husband." Well, who could deny that? Lots of sympathy came her way. I used a positive message repeated over and over to change that tape. I told her how lucky she was to have had not one, but two men love her. Some women never even had one. She would agree and talk about her sister Judy and how she blew both her marriages. She told everyone how happy she had been for fifty-two years with my father. She would say, "Right before he got so sick he looked at me and said that I was a year and three months older than him, but even if I was a hundred years older, he would still have married me." For the record, her first husband was no jewel, and there were plenty of problems with my old man. If he was a diamond, it was in the rough and everyone knows that diamonds can cut.

The new tape in her head is not as easy to deal with as the old one. The new tape says, "When can I go home?" It begins every conversation, fills in every pause, and never seems to end. It is wearing me down. I have given her the message that she can go home when she gets stronger. She says she is strong, she says she has been eating. I tell her she can go home when she can take care of herself. She tells me she can take care of herself. She can't get out of bed by herself, she is too weak and shaky. Sometimes I vary the answer. The other day she called and asked when she could go home. I told her she sounded like a broken record and she laughed. She knows it, she just can't stop that tape. The other tracks on this tape are the "I'm so lonely, there is nobody to talk to here" and "This place is a prison." Nicest prison in town. I do have empathy and understand the boredom and frustration.

We all have tapes running in our brains. Sometimes it is a problem at work that bugs us night and day until we figure out a solution. Right now I have a game show song repeating over as I fall asleep and when I wake up. I will be kind and not tell you what it is so it doesn't take up residency in your brain, too. That kind of tape is annoying, but not harmful. But there are others that cause pain to ourselves and only we can change them. Those are the messages that we are not good enough, too slow, too stupid, too fat, too thin, unloveable, etc. I have found, by reading true crime stories, that some people who have a victim tape playing react by killing those who they think have harmed them. It can be a parent, or people of a nationality. So many different scenarios. I dislike any kind of fundamentalism. The indoctrination records a tape that is very hard to reason with. Hate Arabs, hate Jews, hate, hate, hate.

Many years ago I took my children to a puppet show at a fundamentalist church. The message given was that we were all born in sin and only by being washed in the blood of Jesus was there any chance of heaven. There was even a song about being washed, washed, washed, in the blood. Children are literal people. Where is Jesus and doesn't he need his own blood and wouldn't it make a mess? I was furious! When you tell my babies about God, you had better tell them that we come from love and we go to love and the message all your life had better be about being love and acting love. 

So to life and the message about not driving others crazy with our worn out warped tapes. Let's record something new. Let's do unto others as we would have others do unto us. Not a new song, but one worth covering in our own inimitable style. "Mom," I will say with a smile, "Let's talk about something else. You look very pretty today."

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