Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My interpretation of that funny dream

It occurs to me that I can interpret my dreams as well as anyone else in a way that makes sense to me if I put my mind to it.

I have been thinking about my dream where the old lady happily shrinks away and the old man is looking for a place to plug in an electrical recharger. As the old lady ages and gets smaller, she is remarkably happy. Tell her she looks good and her day is made. She has always said that she doesn't want to live to be a hundred. She is shrinking, her world is shrinking, she is losing her short term memory and is ready to die when it happens. In my life her presence makes less of an impact and I will neither miss or not miss her when she is gone. It will be an end and a finish. She lost the power to hurt me. I never really invested in her.

The old man is quite different. He is hanging on to life with every ounce of being. He is confused and scared and who knows what else? He does not want to die and would rather be bedridden with no quality of life, should that happen, than die. Of course he is looking for that outlet for energy. The surprising thing is how I enable him. I help him look, crawling on floors, reaching for outlets. I say I want him to die, but I wonder, does my subconscious agree?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, sweetie, I'm sure on a visceral level you want him to always be there, since he's been there all your life! But the cerebral cortex knows that's not how it works, or should work. I feel the same about my dad despite our difficulties.
