Monday, January 25, 2010

Yeah, that is over

For some reason, I invited S and L to come over and watch Vikings game on my flat screen. I guess I didn't want to be alone and I thought they would enjoy it. I am not much of a football fan, although the coverage is much more exciting than in the old days before cams on cable. I used to like the Jets when Joe Namath played (boy does that age me) and I dated Bruce Taylor of the San Francisco 49ers back when I was young and stupid. He was young and stupid too.

L wanted to prepare a dinner with me. We picked out a recipe and she went shopping for the ingredients. I had to laugh when she came home with a rotisserie chicken and a bag of frozen french fries. Masala naan, humus and pickles rounded out the meal. S came over after working out. They ate watching the game and I ate at the table.

The first half of the game was pretty exciting and they were happy. I had enough football and went into the bedroom to read. Then the shouting started, the cursing, the hopes of the faithful being shattered once again. Nine minutes left in the fourth quarter and I decided to go to the grocery to get some fuzzy water. I didn't want to be here.

Lovely wandering the aisles, looking at fancy stuff, hearing the game in the background. Oh no, it went into overtime. Being the only person in Byerly's, I chatted with the staff who happened to be from Africa. We talked about crazy soccer fans, comparing them with football fans. Finally, I could put it off no longer and went back to my place. Still in overtime, you could cut the tension with a knife. Sudden death field goal and New Orleans had won. S got up and left without a word. L gave me a kiss and went back to the house.

I turned to the Smuckers cavalcade of stars on ice. Happy, joyous young athletes skating their success in winning nationals. I was smiling from ear to ear with them. S is the past, I don't need him and I don't want him. We will always be parents and grandparents, and on some level we will always be tied. But instead of in the past where he had a life without me, and I was lonely, I now have a life without him. I realize I might be alone, but my, my, my, it is so much better than being lonely with him.

Is there a time when we realize all we need to know? Is there a tool that measures understanding? I think it is only by living everyday that we achieve any understanding of ourselves or others. I do not subscribe anymore to the theory that any part of life should take a particular amount of time. Well, pregnancy is the exception to the rule. But a child walks and talks in their own time. Love is it's own timetable. Mourning, healing, taking steps towards health are all individual endeavors.

There is the realization that my time here on Earth is finite. There is the perception that after youth, life is all downhill. I am here to fight that perception. Maybe I will be able to create a successful career at 57. Maybe I will achieve financial security. But maybe I will only be able to work part time, maybe I will live on a fixed income counting all my dimes. I don't know. I have spent so much of my life worried about all the bad things that could happen. Now, in this time of rebuilding, I want to enjoy life and the blessings that are mine. There is a bunny that frolics in the snow outside. There is a warm bed and good book waiting. Yes, the Vikings have lost again, but for me, life goes on.

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