Sunday, February 14, 2010

"Point a finger

... and three come back at you."

It is a cliche' that I find to be true. Another one is "Wherever you go, there you are."

So here I am, in my own little place, looking to assign blame, but I can't. Point that finger and here I am in a heaven or hell of my own making. What will it be? When will I understand that it is my effort that reveals Grace in my life?

Right now, intellectually, I understand that I AM light. But there is a tightness around my heart that is keeping me in the dark.

I am the Founder and President of the Procrastinators Club. I've had therapy, I've had past lives read. I had negative forces that were holding me back purged. And yet ... I put things off. I've prayed, I've sprung up and attacked tasks.

The thing about presenting a strong persona to the world is that no one knows how much help I need. Maybe it was losing my mother at a young age and being raised by clueless parents. Maybe it is the depression. And maybe it is just being bloody lazy. I don't know. But I do know that all the fingers are pointing in my direction and I cannot run because here I am.

Is this the right place to share dark moments of the soul? Probably not. Should you worry? No.

"Is there any remover of difficulty save God? Say Praise Be God, He is God! All are His servants and all abide by His bidding!" Baha'i prayer.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, am a procrastinator, and a Depression sufferer (though it's been many years since my last major depression, I think some of those behaviors may never die. :(

    After a lengthy downward slide that's lasted years, I finally had to ask for help. I asked a friend who ALSO needed help.

    I've done this before (a 'clutter buddy' where we'd take turns going and watching and suggesting and prodding each other to purge our 'stuff'). This time it's more of a babysitter. We do our crap together. She's coming over tomorrow to work on her thesis while I do my taxes.

    A body in motion tends to stay in motion... I get more accomplished now, even when she's not around...

    Ask for help, if you haven't. And I hope you find it, if you're still 'stuck'. Hug!

